Visit Wexford Offers

Experience More, Spend Less: Exclusive Special Offers in Wexford Await!


Treat yourself to something special in Wexford without breaking the bank!


Explore our current promotions and discover savings on hotel stays, nights out and admission to top attractions across County Wexford. From limited-time discounts to exclusive packages, there's always something exciting happening. Whether you're planning a special occasion or simply looking for a great deal, don't miss out - browse our offers today!


Note: All offers provided below are offered subject to the terms and conditions of the offer provider. The offers listed are only available on bookings made online on the offer provider's website between January 15th 2025 and 31st March 2025. 

Discover Wexford’s Charm with an Exclusive Discount at the Crown Quarter

Discover Wexford’s Charm with an Exclusive Discount at Wells House Self-Catering Cottages

Discover Wexford’s Charm with an Exclusive Discount at the Rvierside Park Hotel

Discover Wexford’s Charm with Exclusive Discounts at the Brandon House Hotel

Wells House and Gardens 10% Off General Admission

Enjoy 10% off selected nights out at the National Opera House with our exclusive discounts

Discover Wexford’s Charm with Exclusive Discounts at the Talbot Suites at Stonebridge

Discover Wexford’s Charm with Exclusive Discounts at the Talbot Wexford

Johnstown Castle 10% Off Castle Tours and Estate Entry

Johnstown Castle 10% Off General Admission